Theses produced to fulfill graduation requirements are housed in the College Archives and Special Collections.

Each thesis is to be submitted in whatever format is customary for the field.

  • It is essential that the author's name and department is present on the work.
  • A 25-50 word abstract describing the content of the thesis should accompany the work.
  • By submitting a thesis, authors also give permission to the College Archives and Special Collections staff to make backups of any media accompanying their thesis.
  • The thesis is to be turned in to the student's departmental office and that office will transfer the thesis to the College Archives and Special Collections unit..
  • For written theses, the Thesis Reproduction Permission Statement must be signed by the author in order for staff to photocopy the thesis in whole or in part for personal use by researchers. An online version of this form is also available here.
  • For electronic thesis submissions, the Electronic Permission Form must be signed by the author for any thesis the author requests to be added to the online college capstone and thesis digital repository.