Qwickly Attendance


What is Qwickly Attendance?

Qwickly is an attendance taking tool that can be used within Canvas courses. With Qwickly, instructors can choose to use a feature that allows students to check-in on the Canvas Student app or a browser for their class attendance. Qwickly also allows an instructor to clearly view holistic records of student attendance, as well as total counts of absences within a course.

Key Features of Qwickly Attendance

Attendance Communication to Students: Customized emails can be sent to students automatically when a student is marked absent. Instructors can also provide individual comments to students or keep attendance notes private. Students will have the ability to check their own attendance status to avoid attendance discrepancies.    

Customized Attendance Statuses: Instructors can create their own attendance statuses and apply percentage of points to each status (present, absent, left early, Zoom, etc.) that can be set up to flow into the Canvas Gradebook. Attendance sessions can be taken at different times and for different reasons, such as taking attendance in a morning session and again after a break. 

Large Lecture Classes or Field Trips: Qwickly attendance provides instructors with the flexibility to take attendance manually or have students check in to the class for their attendance from a mobile device. This is done through entering a temporary, timed, 4-digit code that the instructor sets up and releases to students. 

Hybrid courses (Web Synchronous):  Instructors can manually enter whether a student attended in-person or via Zoom by customizing the attendance statuses.  

Graphical Reporting: User-friendly reports can be generated to identify trends or provide student overall attendance status totals. Reports can also be downloaded into a csvfile.

Qwickly Attendance Training

If you are interested in using Qwickly Attendance, please sign up for a training date that works for you from the Academic Technology training site.

For any questions regarding Qwickly, submit a Team Dynamix ticket or contact Academic Technology at canvaslms@colum.edu.

Qwickly Attendance Help Guides and Resources