300 Hiring Procedures

Columbia College Chicago actively seeks diversity in its faculty and encourages female, LGBTQ, disabled, and minority appointments. The college’s active stance in this regard contributes positively to the learning environment, supports excellence, and prepares students for an increasingly global and complex cultural environment.

305 President
In the event of a vacancy (or pending vacancy) in the position of the president, the chair of the Board of Trustees shall promptly convene an Advisory Panel to evaluate and recommend to the Board appropriate candidates to fill the vacancy. The composition and proceedings of the Advisory Panel are determined by the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees makes the final hiring decision.

310 Provost
When the position of provost is to be vacated, the president, in consultation with the school’s deans, will convene a search committee and give it its charge. In some cases, an interim provost may need to be appointed until a permanent replacement can be identified. In such cases appointment will be made by the president in consultation with the school deans, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, and the Chairs’ Council, for a period not to exceed two years.

The minimum composition of the search committee is as follows:

The search committee shall use the following procedures:

315 School Dean
When the position of school dean is to be vacated, the provost will consult with the president and the school’s department chairs to determine whether the position is best filled by an internal or open search. This determination will be based on the abilities and interests of existing faculty and chairs and, in the case of an open search, the desire for new expertise or point of view as well as the availability of funds for an additional position. After consultation, the provost will decide how best to fill the vacancy. In some cases, an interim dean may need to be appointed to oversee the school until a permanent dean can be identified. In such cases, appointment will be made by the provost in consultation with the school’s department chairs for a period not to exceed two years.

Internal Search
The provost will conduct an internal search by asking for letters of application and additional materials from interested faculty members with tenure and department chairs. If the number of eligible applicants is greater than four, the provost in consultation with the president will reduce the number to be considered to no more than four. The provost will hold an open forum for each of the eligible candidates with all full- and part-time faculty and staff invited. Evaluation forms will be distributed at the end of the forum that will include space for open comments. The provost will take the evaluations and comments into consideration and, in consultation with the president, decide which candidate will receive the appointment.

Open Search
The provost will convene a search committee and give the committee its charge. The composition of the committee is as follows:

In the event that any member of the search committee should become a candidate for the position, that person will ask to be recused from the committee. The recused member shall be replaced by a member of the same category, according to the procedures outlined above.

320 Chair of an existing department
When the position of chair of an existing department is to be vacated, the dean of the school will consult with the provost and the department’s faculty to determine whether the position is best filled by an internal or open search. This determination will be based on the abilities and interest of existing faculty and, in the case of an open search, the desire for new expertise or point of view as well as the availability of funds for an additional faculty position. After consultation, the provost and dean will decide how best to fill the vacancy. In some cases, an acting chair or interim chair may need to be appointed to oversee the department for a limited period. (See section 405.2 Acting and Interim Chair.) In such cases, an acting or interim appointment will be made by the provost and dean in consultation with department faculty for a duration not to exceed two years.

Internal Search
The dean will conduct an internal search by asking for letters of application from interested faculty members with tenure. The dean will hold an open forum for each of the eligible candidates with all full- and part-time faculty and staff invited from the college community. Evaluation forms will be distributed at the end of the forum that will include space for open comments. The dean will take the evaluations and comments into consideration and, in consultation with the provost, decide which candidate will receive the appointment.

Open Search
If the provost and dean decide that an open search is warranted, the dean will convene a search committee and give the committee its charge. The composition of the committee is as follows:

Departments with
3-6 tenured or tenure-track faculty members Three members on the committee
7-9 tenured or tenure-track faculty members Four members on the committee
10+ tenured or tenure-track faculty members Five members on the committee

The committee shall use the following procedures:

325 Chair of a new department
Chairs of new departments shall be chosen by the provost in consultation with the dean of the school in which the new department is located. In some cases, when the department is formed by a merger of existing departments, an open search may not be necessary, and the provost will follow the procedures detailed above for appointment or internal search. If an open search is conducted, the search committee shall be constituted as follows:

The search committee will follow the same procedure as that detailed in section 320.

330 Tenured and tenure-track faculty
Please review the General Qualifications for Tenure-track and Tenured Appointments, Section XIII of the Statement of Policy.

For tenured or tenure-track faculty in existing departments, there will be a search committee of not fewer than four persons, constituted as follows:

Search committees shall follow the following procedures:

335 Joint appointment of tenured or tenure-track faculty
There will be a search committee of not less than six persons, constituted as follows:

340 Teaching-track faculty
Please review the General Qualifications for Teaching-Track Appointments, Section VI of the Statement of Policy.

A teaching-track appointment is a full-time, non-tenured faculty position. In some instances, the department chair may appoint a search committee to assist in selection of candidates. At other times, the department chair will appoint a teaching-track faculty member with the approval of the dean and provost.