II. General Principles

A. Conflict of Interest.  A conflict of interest is defined as any relationship—whether personal, familial, or business—that a reasonable observer could conclude may affect the objectivity and impartiality of the participants in the procedures outlined in this Statement. Any participant with a potential conflict of interest should not participate. When a potential conflict exists, a participant may recuse themself, may be asked by the dean or provost to recuse themself, or may be required by the Office of the General Counsel to recuse themself.

B. Confidentiality.  An important part of the evaluation process is the need for confidentiality during and after the review of the faculty member’s credentials. Confidentiality is particularly important when soliciting external reviewers, whose candid and thorough assessments of the applicant are essential. This principle of confidentiality also applies to the review process outlined in Section XXII of this Statement.

To this end, individual reviewers must not share information, during or after the process, concerning the evaluation with the faculty member or others not involved in the process (with the exception of the Provost, acting in accordance with Section XVII.A.7). If individual reviewers obtain records of any sort associated with the process, they must delete or destroy these materials once the process is completed. (This excludes the report copies provided to the Chair, Dean, Provost, and Office of Academic Personnel.)

Similarly, where applicable, members of committees must confine deliberations and information concerning the evaluation of the faculty member to the committee itself. They must not share this information with the faculty member or others not involved in the process.

Each full-time faculty member participating in any of the evaluative and review processes outlined in this Statement must sign a Confidentiality Agreement before participating, confirming that the faculty member will adhere to the principles set forth in this Section.

C. Adequacy and Accuracy of Documentation.  It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure the adequacy and accuracy of the documentation submitted for evaluation. The faculty member cannot add to these materials once they have been submitted, except in cases where the faculty member is adding an update to an item previously submitted.

D. Cumulative Reports.  Evaluation documentation is cumulative; reports, comments, and recommendations that are generated at each successive stage of evaluation become part of the documentation that is provided to participants in the next stage of the evaluation process.

E. Adherence to Deadlines. Participants must be aware of the overall steps and deadlines of the process in which they are participating. Further, participants must not only meet their own deadlines but are also expected to be aware of the step prior to theirs in order to facilitate their step beginning on schedule.