Institutional Review Board
The mission of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is simple—to ensure that human and animal subjects used in research are protected. The IRB is responsible for reviewing and approving all research with human and animal subjects conducted by faculty, staff, and students of Columbia College Chicago, when performed as part of their work or study at Columbia. In addition, the IRB reviews research proposals from non-affiliated researchers proposing either to recruit for or conduct research on Columbia faculty, students, staff, or on Columbia property. The IRB reviews proposed studies to ensure that the dignity, rights, privacy, safety, and welfare of all actual and potential research participants are protected; provides reassurance to others that appropriate research activity is being carried out; and examines the method in which informed consent is to be sought.
Policies & Procedures
Researchers are asked to work in conjunction with the IRB by reviewing and following the policies and procedures provided on this site. The forms required by the IRB are available here.
The Board will assist individuals and departments in navigating the IRB review process by sharing and explaining our procedures clearly and by processing proposals in as timely a fashion as ethically and legally possible. Investigators and departments are encouraged to contact the IRB Coordinator with related questions.
Note: IRB approval is required prior to starting research projects. All researchers are required to provide documentation of the completion of the required research ethics training. The required research ethics training modules are available on this page. Please include a copy of your Certificates with your IRB application.