Faculty Resources on AI
Welcome to the Faculty Resource Page on the use of AI in teaching and learning at Columbia College Chicago. As teachers, scholars, and educational leaders, our goal is to empower students to lead the lives that they find valuable and meaningful. Recognizing that AI technologies are proliferating around us, this page is intended to support faculty, staff, and students to make informed choices about how we use technology to create, communicate, teach, and learn.
We encourage every faculty member to explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding AI via the links below, then provide clarity to students by identifying, publicizing, and discussing your policy on AI generative software.
Share your thoughts and ideas with us! This is a dynamic document, and we encourage you to send additional links or suggestions to Greg Foster-Rice, Associate Provost for Student Retention Initiatives and Chairperson of the AI Taskforce<>/a. See also the Provost’s communication to faculty and staff on this topic (March 15, 2023).