Technology Applications and Support
Photo: Phil Dembinski '08.
Information Technology at Columbia College Chicago serves as a partner and leader in providing faculty, staff, and students with a variety of technologies that enhance teaching, learning, and business operations.
Click on one of the links below or scroll down to get more information about each technology application and ways to get support.
Faculty and staff access their campus emails through Office 365. You can access your Columbia email off campus or in a web browser using the Outlook Web Application.
If you have not already registered your account, complete the sign-up process online using your existing and password. This will allow you to reset your password through the Microsoft self-service password reset tool.
For login support, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Password Reset
Information Technology partners with Microsoft to use their Self-Service Password Reset utility.
Here are the steps to reset your password:
- Visit
- Click on "Can't access your account?" to reset or unlock your account from any device
For password reset support, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Duo Multi-Factor Authentication
The college has engaged in a coordinated effort to further strengthen system and network access safeguards. Columbia College is partnering with DUO Security to implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on various software systems as well as on college hardware. Multi-Factor Authentication is an additional layer of security on top of user IDs and passwords, Single Sign-On, or VPN.
As a result, when you enter your username and password into one of these systems, Duo will send a message to your smart device prompting a response to gain access.
What does this mean for you?
College systems such as Canvas, The CCC Intranet, PeopleSoft, O365, VPN, CX/Jenzabar will require this additional layer of security.
If you have a college-provisioned workstation or laptop, you may be required to unlock your machine utilizing multi-factor authentication as well. Duo will be pushed to your machine and then once the second step above is completed, you will be asked for the additional layer of security to access your machine once you return to campus or utilize Global Protect.
What are the benefits?
- By utilizing Multi-Factor Authentication, you will be notified if anyone is attempting to access a system or your machine using your ID and password credentials. If that person is not you, you can deny the access from your smart device. This preserves the college’s security around sensitive data and systems.
- A password is no longer enough. Attacks on accounts are increasingly sophisticated. MFA helps to determine that you are who you say you are and are not someone with a stolen password.
- The college will be able to quickly assess any instances of access that are denied, safeguarding our systems further.
- Each and every person utilizing our systems will be assisting in keeping our community safe from outside, unauthorized access.
IT will be available to assist anyone needing help making the transition. You may submit a ticket for help with the transition here Request IT Help to Transition Duo or to request a token, click here Duo Token Request.
Campus Wi-Fi
"Columbia FacStaff" is the wireless network dedicated to faculty and staff. This network is accessed using network login credentials. For example, Joi Columbia may have a username of and your corresponding network ID password.
Once you select the "Columbia FacStaff" network from your list of available wireless networks, a window will pop up asking you to login to the network with your network login credentials. If a window does not automatically pop up, open a web browser, and you will be redirected to the login page. If you have any issues, please contact Technology Support at 312-369-7001.
To receive a dedicated wireless SSID for an event on campus, submit a ticket in Team Dynamix with the following information:
- The date of the event
- The building, floor, and room(s) where the event will take place
- An approximate amount of event attendees
The request must be submitted at least one week before the event occurs.
A member of the network infrastructure team will reach out to you for assistance upon receipt of the request.
Office 365
Office 365 is used on campus to access email, calendars, as well as an assortment of Microsoft applications that are used for document and digital workflow management. All faculty and staff members have Office 365 accounts. Comprehensive training resources for Office 365 are available on the Office 365 Training Resources page, which includes detailed Microsoft training documents and LinkedIn Learning tutorials.
Canvas is the LMS used by Columbia faculty to manage their courses and it allows students to access course materials, such as course syllabi, assignments, resources, grades, and other materials. The college’s Canvas website is located at
For login assistance, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For all other Canvas inquiries, please visit the Academic Technology page for assistance.
There is also 24/7 support available through the Canvas website. Users must sign-in and refer to the help icon on the Canvas home page to reach a Canvas representative through chat or phone support.
Panopto is a lecture capturing and streaming service for audio and video-related content that includes many interactive features. Panopto fully integrates with Canvas courses and offers a central place to house digital assets, which can include Zoom cloud recordings, lecture recordings, screen capture recordings, as well as other audio or video recordings. Panopto offers key features which include screen and lecture recording capabilities, a robust video search, closed captioning, and video statistics. Video Discussions, Quizzes, and note taking capabilities are also available within each Panopto recording.
To learn more about Panopto, visit our Panopto page for more information.
To sign up for Panopto training, visit Academic Technology's training site.
For any questions regarding Panopto, submit a Team Dynamix ticket or contact Academic Technology at
Qwickly Attendance
Qwickly is an attendance taking tool that can be used within Canvas courses. With Qwickly, instructors can choose to use a feature that allows students to check-in on the Canvas Student app or a browser for their class attendance. Qwickly also allows an instructor to clearly view holistic records of student attendance, as well as total counts of absences within a course.
To learn more about Qwickly, visit our Qwickly Attendance page for more information.
If you are interested in using Qwickly Attendance, please sign up for a training date that works for you from the Academic Technology training site.
For any questions regarding Qwickly, submit a Team Dynamix ticket or contact Academic Technology at
MyColumbia is the online tool that faculty members use to post final grades, check their teaching schedules, and submit various academic forms. Students use MyColumbia to register for classes, pay tuition and fees, check academic progress, and update their official address and contact information, as well as their emergency contact information. Visit to log in with your Office 365 credentials.
For MyColumbia login support, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Intranet is an intranet portal used by faculty and staff to view department sites, forms, news and announcements, as well as navigate to various applications used on campus. Faculty and staff sign in to Intranet with their network ID and password. This is the same username and password that is used to access campus email.
For login assistance, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
GlobalProtect (VPN)
If you need to access MyC, Open Enrollment, and Timesheet when remote, you must use VPN to connect to the Columbia network prior to trying to access these systems. In order to utilize VPN and connect to our network remotely you must use the GlobalProtect client application. Directions for faculty and staff are below.
- How to Install GlobalProtect on a PC for Faculty and Staff
- How to Install GlobalProtect on a MAC for Faculty and Staff
- How to Install Global Protect on an iPhone/iPad for Faculty and Staff
- How to Install Global Protect on an Android for Faculty and Staff
MyC Self-Service
MyC Self-Service is an application used by faculty and staff to manage their employee, benefit, and payroll information. An employee may use MyC Self-Service to report their time, view paychecks, benefit information, or update personal information.
For login assistance, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
PeopleSoft Financials
The Planning and Budgeting Cloud Service (PBCS) is used for annual budget planning, financial modeling, forecasting and reporting. During the budgeting season, department managers with budget authority use PBCS to enter their annual budgets. It is also used by senior administration staff for reporting and analysis purposes.
The Institutional Data Warehouse (IDW) has finance and human resources (HR) data from PeopleSoft, student data from Jenzabar, and admissions data from Slate. The IDW reports provide financial and HR reports for department business managers.
Team Dynamix
Through Team Dynamix, faculty and staff can request and track support tickets for outstanding issues where technical assistance is necessary.
Information Technology recommends reviewing the Knowledge Base prior to submitting a ticket. You can also browse our Service Catalog to find a list off all of the services that we offer and support.
For further assistance, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning is the premier online training resource for anyone seeking exceptional, current and relevant software training. Whether you use it to supplement your learning in the classroom or to teach yourself an entirely new skillset, LinkedIn Learning is a truly invaluable resource available to the Columbia community. Just log in to Office 365, click on the LinkedIn Learning link in your applications list to get started.
This instructional guide will demonstrate how to find LinkedIn Learning within Office 365.
For login assistance, please contact contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Qualtrics is an online survey tool available to all faculty, staff and students at Columbia. This application includes robust workflow and survey tracking, balloting and reporting options. Qualtrics is accessible at
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Horizon is the college's virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VDI is defined as the hosting of desktop environments on a central server. It is a form of desktop virtualization, as the specific desktop images run within virtual machines (VMs) and are delivered to end clients over a network.
To review instructions on using VDI, installing the Horizon VDI client, and to request assistance, you may refer to Team Dynamix.
Asset tracking and checkout software is available to all departments that provide equipment loans to students or faculty and staff. Staff who facilitate equipment loans access Webcheckout at Sign in with your network ID and password.
For login assistance, please contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Event Management System (EMS)
The Event Management System (EMS) is an application used to reserve space on Campus. The EMS shows updated availability of meeting rooms and spaces on campus. Faculty and staff use the EMS to book space for class time, meetings, and events.
For login assistance, please contact contact Technology Support by phone at 312-369-7001 or by email at Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Columbia College Chicago is now partnering with Eduroam (education roaming), a secure wireless network for the education community, to expand free wireless network services outside of campus.
Eduroam allows Columbia students, staff, and faculty to use their credentials to access free wireless internet connectivity while visiting one of the Eduroam participating institutions located throughout the world. More information can be found here.
While you are on Columbia College Chicago premises, you will continue to connect to the Columbia wireless network; and if you are in other Eduroam locations across the US and internationally, you can connect to Eduroam and it will take you into the Columbia Network for free wi-fi access! Visit the Where can I Eduroam website for a detailed map with location points for member institutions worldwide.
Eduroam login for Faculty and Staff
When logging in for the first time choose “eduroam” from the list of wireless networks on your device and enter your Columbia credentials to log in following the format below:
Email: Your (e.g.
Password: Password
While visiting other institutions, submit a ticket for technical support when troubleshooting network access with Eduroam. Host institutions are not obligated to support visitors accessing Eduroam.
Eduroam for Visitors to Columbia
While connected to the Eduroam wireless network at Columbia, there may be some Columbia specific resources that are not available to visitors through Eduroam. Visitors to Columbia should rely on their home institution's technical support for Eduroam related connectivity problems. They will coordinate with the IT Support Center, if necessary, to determine a resolution.
Eduroam Companion App for iPhone, iPad, and Android Devices
Eduroam users can now more easily locate Eduroam-enabled sites thanks to an app for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
The app is free, and the iOS and Android versions are available in our Knowledge Base for iPhone and iPad, and Android.